
I am a wife and mom of 3 miracle boys. My oldest son was born at 35 weeks with gastroschisis (a birth defect where there is a hole in the baby’s abdomen and all the intestines are outside of the body). He endured 4 surgeries in his first 12 days of life and remained unable to breathe on his own for 3 weeks. He became septic at 1 month old from a central line infection. After 6.5 weeks, we were able to bring him home. He has continued to have complications surrounding eating, digesting, growing, and developing. We have noticed that the delays in his development and his behavioral quirks have become more pronounced as he grew closer to 2 years old which led us to seek out the expertise of a developmental pediatrician and the beginning of our journey towards a diagnosis of autism. He has had 7 surgeries since birth and continues to amaze me. You would never know anything was/is ever wrong with him! He is my hero. The bond I share with him is stronger than anything I’ve experienced because of all we’ve been through. “The strongest steel is put through the hottest fire”. His NICU story can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM_enkf6fLM&feature=g-upl

My second son was born at 33 weeks via emergency c-section. Because of his prematurity, he suffered a grade 2 IVH (brain hemorrhage) at birth and we are still unsure of if/how this will affect him long-term. He only spent 3 weeks in the NICU and is growing like a weed! He is so laid back and easy going. I call him my saving grace! He’s entered into his terrible twos and is very vocal. He is also very empathetic and caring and has a very tender soul.

My third son was born at home at 38 weeks. After the first few weeks home, he began to struggle to eat and his lungs began to suffer. At three months old, he was admitted to the hospital in respiratory distress and was given an NG feeding tube. After he stopped eating by mouth, his lungs cleared up quickly. We are now home with the NG tube and waiting to see how he progresses. He is a very happy and easy going baby and the best sleeper out of all my boys!

Through everything, my husband has been my strength! He is my rock and is the most amazing father to our sons. He truly is my other half – I am no longer complete without him.

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