Fertile Wife

Wow, that was easy! I need one of those staple buttons hahaha
Guess what world, I’m pregnant! I didn’t believe the first test; it appeared negative until you held it close. 5 days later and it was so surreal seeing the two pink lines on the second test. The third was just for fun (and additional confirmation for myself) – we had a 3-pack. All I could say when I saw the lines was “Wow”. We did it!
I’ve kept these tests on my shelf and every time I walk by, I can’t help but stare at them. It doesn’t seem real to me yet. I don’t feel pregnant yet; if it wern’t for the tests and subtle signs, I wouldn’t know there’s a baby growing inside of me. My mind still doens’t know how to believe it yet. I think that once I see the baby inside me, I’ll be able to wrap my mind around it.
I’m scared to death that something might go wrong or I might loose the baby. I keep forgetting to trust God.
I seriously need to get over this cold! My throat is sore, I’m still caughing and sneezing, and there’s nothing I can take for it anymore. Orange juice and water only go so far.
I love my husband with more than my life! He has given me not only himself but together, our love has inspired another life!

House-Bound Wife

When I get over this cold, I need to get out more. I used to hang out with friends a lot more than I do now. My social life is flat-lining. I think there is a certain healthy human interaction that needs to be maintained outside of work and school and I want to find that again. I don’t feel I have the energy to keep up with people but perhaps if I just do it, the energy will find me. See, my problem is I would rather spend the night on my couch that out with friends, and I have allowed myself to indulge in this. Unfortunately, this has lent to a habitual formation where I turn down events that I otherwise would have joined in. I miss seeing my friends. I have concluded that I need to get out more.

(Keep in mind that this does not include my husband – I am more than happy to spend every minute I have with him. Sometimes we have opposite schedules and it’s when I’m home alone that I miss going out).

Thank you honey, for taking such good care of me while I’m sick! I love you!

P.S. All the motorcycles riding around in SoPo at night need to TURN DOWN THE VOLUME! (please)

P.P.S. Does anyone know how to kill fruit flies? They won’t leave my house alone!

Sick Wife

My allergies have weakened me enough for a cold to settle in; I’ve been suffering allergies straight for almost two months without relief and today I developed a sore throat, stiff neck, swollen glands, and fever, to top off my already stuffy nose. I’m home on the couch and I wish my husband was home to take care of me. I don’t like not being able to get a hold of him when I want/need. I had to settle with leaving a message and hoping he checks it.

Needless to say, I did not do laundry…by the time I got out of my clinical, I had to lay down. I was dizzy, seeing stars, sore, tired, blah. I hope I’ll be up to doing laundry tomorrow. I could ask my husband to do it, but he already does the dishes and picks up. =)

Classes are going alright. I have my first exam in Pediatrics on Thursday. I haven’t truly studied; my goal is to study tomorrow because I have the day off. Hopefully I feel better…it seems like a circle cause-effect that I can’t figure out – I’ve been told that if I exercised more, I wouldn’t be as sick all the time, but I’m having trouble finding the energy to exercise because I’m not always feeling well. What to do, what to do?

My fridge smells funny and I can’t figure out why.

I found out the other week that next summer, my husband only has to be away for four weeks, not five! That made my day! But today, I’m thinking about how I want to get a hold of him and he’ll be home tonight; how much worse is it going to be when he’s away? And how will I survive being an Air Force wife when he may be gone for up to a year?! I realize people do it every day but how do you start, how do you get used to it? I’ve heard people say “you just do it” but how? I keep forgetting to trust God.

Busy Wife

I’m not enjoying the transition from summer into school; it still feels as though my academic skills are in hibernation. I think in about another week, I’ll be able to fall back into the swing of things. This is going to be a busy semester between work, classes, clinicals, and practicum. I’ve been neglecting the cleaning around the apartment…don’t get me wrong, I love my life. I’m just a little tired.

My husband surprised me yesterday with a lovely dinner out. He called me at the grocery store and asked to take me out for dinner – quite an unexpected and lovely surprise =). We dressed up and went out to Joe’s Boathouse in South Portland (right behind SMCC). We had a romantic dinner on the patio in the sunset. The weather was perfect!

I’m going to be meeting some of my husband’s ROTC classmates at the BBQ tomorrow. I’m looking forward to it, although I will probably feel like the odd-man-out (just an expression). Some of these people will probably be the ones with him at field training next summer. During those 5 weeks without him, my father-in-law has promised to take my stepmother-in-law and me to Story Land. As a little girl, my parents would take my sisters and I there. It’s nice going back as an adult, having the childhood memories, and comparing them to my experience now. I need to come up with other ways to keep busy and occupied while my husband is away. We are both worried about how I will deal with his absence. I’m working on ideas to relieve both our concerns.

Blessed Wife

I am so in love with my Husband! It’s all the little things he does that shows me time and again how much he cares for me. Today, I come home from work and there is a card on the table

I open it and find a beautiful card inside!
My Husband is my Best Friend, my soul mate, my love. At the end of the card, there was a “P.S. There is a canolie in the fridge with your name on it”

That canolie brought back wonderful memories of my last birthday when he took me down to Boston for the day and we went on a hunt for the best canolies.

I am so blessed to have married such a wonderful Man. I love you with my life!

Humid Wife

I love the summer but this heat is miserable. Nothing like a heat and humidity wave in September! I wonder if that’s why my allergies have been haywire this past month. I’m ready for the cooler days where I don’t stick to my notes in class and my hair dries. Plus, I prefer fall clothes to summer clothes.

I can’t get anything done in this heat. It’s all I can do to stay hydrated – I can’t keep up with what my body is going through and then it takes forever to get rid of the dehydration headaches. I cleaned the kitchen and living room because the air conditioner reaches those rooms. I have been putting off the bathroom, bedroom, office, and closet for cooler days.

I knew that it would be difficult being married with both of us in college. I knew that I wouldn’t get to see a lot of my husband. I knew we would have different schedules. It’s different actually living it. I’m not saying it’s horrible, it’s just a little lonely sometimes. And I feel bad because I am not as busy as he is and I feel that there is a lot on his shoulders with school, work, and ROTC. I think it’s the nurturing part of my that wishes to make anything easier for him. I’m really trying not to be a “needy” wife. I suppose this is good practice for our future. Next summer he will be gone for 5 weeks and after he re-enlists, he could be gone for up to a year. I’m not a very independently-driven individual so this is a difficult adjustment and right now is only the tip of the ice burg. I’ll figure it out, I always do. I need to trust more – trust God, my husband, and myself.