Embrace the Chaos and Choose Joy

It’s been a long day and I’m trying to translate my rambling thoughts into words. I don’t even know if this makes sense enough to share.

I’m exhausted. Deeply. Thoroughly. In body, mind, and spirit. The length of these days wears me down. So much is asked of me, even after I feel I’ve given all I have.

I can’t begin to count the times I’ve been told “I could never do what you do; I could never handle this like you can. I don’t know how you do it.” I’m not amazing; I’m not super mom. I don’t have an unearthly strength to bear this weight. And there was a time when I couldn’t do it either.

As I’ve walked through these fires and carry these swords that pierce my heart, I’ve grown within me the strength to survive, to give, to carry on. It’s a strength I’ve earned through the trials. I’m not unbreakable; I break every day. And then I take one more step forward. It’s a slow, quiet strength; all mountains can be moved eventually, one pebble at a time.

I’m just a mother, loving her children. I’d do anything for my children and sometimes I’m asked to do just that. To embrace the chaos and choose joy.

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